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Home Maintenance and Servicing Tips

Buying a house is the easy part, maintaining a house and your other high investment items, is the hardest part. A regular health check of all your home appliances, items you use on a daily basis is necessary to ensure a smooth functioning and to reduce overall costs.

This is an ongoing process; and if followed religiously, homeowners can avoid significant damages and issues. Depending on the seasonality, the frequency of usage, these maintenance projects will go beyond just home repairs, and you will have to consult professionals and get their help.

Plumbing, Heating/AC and Drainage

Plumbing if not done properly will continue to plague your home with leaks and clogs; doing a manual check-up annually, checking under the sink for any leaks, cleaning the pipes with cleaner once a month will help identify any issues earlier on.

Homes that have central air conditioning and heating should be checked and serviced once a year by a professional technician to avoid further issues. Drainage is something that is often overlooked, and the one that causes problems.

Electronic and Electrical Items

Your day-to-day items that you use every day like the vacuum cleaner, air fryer, oven etc. should be regularly cleaned to ensure there are no leftovers and grime. Making sure oily residue is removed completely will help with the longevity of these electronic items.

Washing machines and TVs are some items that you might need professional help for repairs and maintenance. If you’re living in the heart of Sydney, you will be able to find many repairmen. You should look for a washing machine service in Sydney. You can also get tv repairs and other services for small items like toasters, blenders if you have any repairs.

Roof, Gutters and Paint

Doing an inspection of your gutters and roof on a month-on-month basis will save you from a lot of trouble over the years. If you pick up any forms of repairs that needs to be done, doing it then and there, or even hiring a professional to finish it off will help you figure out the issues at hand sooner rather than later. Colour washing the exterior of the house will protect from water damage, and naturally make it look good too.

Garden Maintenance

Be it a massive backyard or a simple garden, trimming your lawn once in a couple of weeks, and water the flowers will not only be therapeutic but will keep your house looking nice too. If your garden has any big trees, constantly monitor them, and if they’re old and are in need of trimming, it’s always advised to hire a professional to do so.

Weeding out your lawn and vegetable patch once a week will also increase the overall cultivation – if at all if you’re interested in home gardening. Fertilizing in the garden once in a while, whilst adding a new plant or two will improve the overall look of your garden and home.

Maintaining a house is not an easy task, however if it is planned properly, and if you’re consistent in maintaining it, you will save money and trouble in the future

Kristofer Conner