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What Should You Expect from a Sexual Health Clinic?

Before attending, you may need to make an appointment with a clinic. A professional will meet with you in a confidential place and enquire as to why you have come to the clinic. Aside from that, they’ll enquire about your medical history, take your blood pressure, and weigh you.

You may be examined during your appointment, which will be communicated to you. Samples such as urine, blood, breasts (which can easily be done yourself), oral, and anal may be sought for a sexual health screening for suspected infections. The type of swab you require is determined by your sexual orientation. Samples will only be taken with your permission. The clinic will decide how and when you will get your results. Most places, on the other hand, seek to respond as soon as possible, and text messages are routinely employed to do this. For more information visit aids symptoms in women.

Is it Possible to Keep the Findings of Medical Exams Private?

Sexual health clinic staff are health advisers, not physicians who perform check-ups. Despite this, they are highly well-trained and place high importance on privacy. If you’re in a relationship, you should be allowed to enquire about other aspects of sex and relationships without fear of being judged. Your medical records will only be shared with your primary care physician if you provide your permission. In Australia, consenting to sex before the age of 16 is unlawful.

A sexual health clinic can still provide you with assistance and counselling if you are between the ages of 13 and 15. Confidentiality cannot be maintained unless you understand what the experts are saying. If you are over the age of 16, you should discuss your wish for contraception, an HIV test, or abortion with your parents or caretakers. They can’t force you to do this since you’re an adult with the same rights to privacy and confidentiality as everyone else.

If you are under the legal age of consent to sexual activity in Australia, which is 16 years old, the restrictions are different. To guarantee your safety, clinic staff will ask about your sexual history, including who you’ve had sex with and where you’ve had it. Adults, such as social workers, may find it critical to participate. The goal of this is to guarantee that you are not forced to engage in sex.

Finally, unless they believe you are in danger or at risk of harm from sexual abuse, professionals will keep your session private. We’ll consult with you before taking any action. Furthermore, if you are a kid and a victim of abuse, your doctor may not keep whatever you offer during a check-up completely confidential.

  • You’re breaking the law if you’re under the age of 16 and tell someone you’ve had sexual relations with them.
  • You depict a young, abused victim who is under the age of 18.
  • Another person’s life is in jeopardy.

Whatever is going on, everyone deserves to be supported.

Kristofer Conner