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How to maintain a terrarium?

Using terrariums, often known as gardens under glass, you can create and construct tiny ecosystems of small plants and other attractive items inside a glass cage. Terrariums can add contained natural elements to your home or place of business and last for many years with the proper care.

Most other indoor plants require more upkeep and attention than terrariums do. They do, however, occasionally need maintenance. It’s advised to attend terrarium workshops before making your own terrarium.

Most terrarium-friendly plants don’t require particularly intense lighting. Glass used in terrariums can magnify light and cause the plants to burn if they are exposed to direct sunlight or other intense light. The terrarium’s temperature can swiftly increase, and before you realize it, it might be as humid as a sauna. Keep in mind that most plants can’t withstand this heat, so it’s best to keep in a place without too much light.

The majority of plants require at least some light to survive, while too much light might be problematic. If your terrarium doesn’t receive enough indirect light, add more light by using grow lights or fluorescent lights, or place it closer to a window that does.

A radiator or heating vent’s heat can soon kill your plants. If you place your tank next to or on top of a radiator or other heat source, the majority of terrarium plants won’t thrive.

You want to be able to admire individual plants and see the other ornamental items inside the terrarium, so avoid letting terrarium plants become lanky and overgrown. Trim your terrarium plants when they get too big and crowded the terrarium to keep it neat and tidy. In order to keep their roots tiny, you can also prune them.

Any terrarium plant that seems sick, dead, or not doing well should be removed right away because its problems could affect other plants. To remove the plant, use a small spade, terrarium tool, long chopsticks, or a spoon; take care not to harm the roots of other plants. Replace the plant with one that is the same size and has the same needs for watering and light.

Every now and then, wash the glass of your terrarium on the inside and outside. If the glass is too dirty or cloudy, it will be difficult for light to reach your plants. Use a moist newsprint or lint-free cloth to clean. Because the chemicals in the cleaning supplies could harm your plants, avoid using harsh cleaning agents within the terrarium.

One method to prevent overwatering is to use a spray bottle instead of a watering can. Use a paper towel to soak up any extra water if you do happen to overwater.  If you plan to keep mosses in your terrarium, you may want to consider a closed system because they do well in moist environments. The majority of terrarium plants don’t require fertilization. Don’t feed terrarium plants because they will quickly overrun their small container; instead, try to limit their growth.

Kristofer Conner