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Complying Development vs. Council Approvals

When it comes to embarking on a new building project, navigating the regulatory landscape can often feel like traversing a maze. One of the key decisions that property owners and developers must make is whether to pursue complying development or seek approvals through the local council. Each option has its own set of benefits and considerations, and understanding these differences is essential for a smooth and successful construction process.

Complying Development: A Faster Path to Approval

Complying development offers a streamlined pathway for obtaining approval for certain types of development that meet specific criteria set out in state environmental planning policies and local planning controls. This process is typically faster and more straightforward than seeking approvals through the local council. Complying development certificates can be issued by either private certifiers or local councils, depending on the jurisdiction.

One of the primary advantages of complying development is speed. Projects that qualify for complying development can often obtain approval within a matter of weeks, compared to the potentially lengthy timelines associated with council approvals. This accelerated process can translate to significant cost savings and quicker commencement of construction activities.

Additionally, complying development offers greater certainty for property owners and developers, as the approval criteria are clearly defined in legislation and planning instruments. This clarity reduces the risk of delays and uncertainties that may arise during the council approval process.

Council Approvals: A Comprehensive Review Process

In contrast, seeking approvals through the local council involves a more comprehensive review process that considers a broader range of factors, including local planning policies, community consultation, and environmental impacts. While this approach may take longer and require more extensive documentation, it offers opportunities for community input and ensures that development proposals align with broader planning objectives.

Council approvals are necessary for projects that do not meet the criteria for complying development or require a higher level of scrutiny due to their scale, complexity, or potential impact on the surrounding environment. Examples may include large-scale commercial developments, heritage buildings, or projects located in sensitive environmental areas.

Choosing the Right Path

When deciding between complying development and council approvals, property owners and developers must carefully evaluate the specific requirements and constraints of their project. Factors to consider include the type of development, project timelines, budget constraints, and community considerations.

In many cases, the most suitable approach may involve a combination of both options. For example, a project may initially pursue complying development for certain aspects while seeking council approvals for others that require additional review or community consultation.

At AJDStudio, we do provide building approvals and advice services tailored to meet the diverse needs of our clients. With our expertise in both complying development and council approvals, we offer guidance and support to match the specific requirements of each project. Whether it’s navigating the complexities of local planning policies or expediting the approval process through complying development, our team is dedicated to ensuring a smooth and efficient journey from concept to completion.

Ultimately, regardless of the path chosen, engaging with experienced professionals such as architects, planners, and certifiers can help navigate the approval process and ensure compliance with relevant regulations and planning requirements. By understanding the options available and selecting the most appropriate pathway, property owners and developers can streamline the approval process and bring their vision to reality efficiently and effectively.

Kristofer Conner